
Friday, September 28, 2012

Give Me Advice, Oh Wise Ones

Something sad I heard at work today from a cute mom with six kids who waited for her husband on his mission:

"I love my husband, but I wish I still felt giddy. 
I wish there was a magic pill to bring that feeling back."

Um. Whaaaat??? 

I'm not ignorant enough to believe that marriage is rainbows and butterflies from the beginning into Eternity, but I also fully plan on still getting giddy and twitterpated on occasion once I am married. My mom told me that she still gets that feeling sometimes when my dad walks in to the room, and I thought it was the sweetest thing ever. 

So, I'm compiling advice. I would love your thoughts, no matter how long you've been married, on how to keep "that feeling" alive. I want it to go viral. I want people to believe that you can feel as delighted to see your spouse after being married for 9,125 days (which will be how many days my parents have been married come December 28th) as you did while you were dating.

 Hit me with it. 


  1. First, does feeling delighted to see your spouse have to be the same thing as being giddy and twitterpated?

  2. well I've only been married for a month and i think i get giddier everyday. its not the kind of high school twitter pated giddy though. its just pure love and i want to spend every second with him. my life revolves around him. therefore, i spend an awful lot of time serving my husband and doing things for him. according to my experience and many others, serving them and loving them as a verb is the key. kiss them, randomly. compliment them. make them a yummy dinner. ask them their high point and low point of the day. oh marriage is so good, and i think it gets better determined to keep that trend going our whole lives :) sorry that was long...but those are my thoughts. love this post...and your blog!

  3. Go on dates!!! Count your blessings, ignore the dumb stuff that ruins the giddiness, and create romance often. It's been almost 2 years, but my husband and I have almost 4 together, and I think being spiritually intimate plus some quality time make all the difference!


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