
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday: 23

He was my first hero. Always treating me like a queen, never calling me names, always standing up for me and being kind when I wasn't.

He lets me push his buttons, and not just the literal ones on the robot costume from 1994. He let me play his cool big kid games with legos and dinosaurs and airplanes, and then he let me steal his underwear because I wanted to be potty trained too.

He was always my cohort on family vacations, and we thought we were so funny when we would pretend to be snotty rich kids at restaurants. I loved Sunday afternoons spent playing in his room, often including me being pinned down and tickled. I hated the tickling but I always came back for more.

He helped me invent the Sandwich game, where we would pile mattresses and pillows and blankets on top of each other, and see how long it took to get out.

He protected me on the bus in elementary school, and I always felt safe with him around (still do). He put up with my screechy violin beginning, never teasing or making fun but encouraging. He writes me love notes that I still have, telling me I'm beautiful and amazing and once: "if we were both sixteen, and you weren't my sister, I would ask you out." He gave me courage to be myself and he helped me learn to love Jesus Christ, because I knew what it was to have an older brother who loved me perfectly.

He made me brave enough to ride a roller coaster, even though he probably did it for his own entertainment more than for me to overcome the fear :)

He taught me what courage and brave mean. He taught me to value life and laughing and to always say thank you. He taught me that even if someone has a personal space the size of Jupiter, you break through it and hug them and kiss them and hold on tight. He taught me to love and not be afraid of sick people, and how to look into their eyes and pull the person out of the sickness. He taught me to never give up, to fight and keep fighting and conquer.

He taught me to love literature and movies. He takes me on dates to see movies in IMAX and to Denny's at midnight. Sometimes he just comes and hangs out with me late at night and we talk about school or dating or something weird he read on the internet. He tells me I can do anything.

I love the looks we share between ourselves when one of our family members has done something weird/hilarious/confusing. I love that he calls me Bethie. I love that he hugs me more than he used to, because we live away from each other. I love his little giggle and his glasses. I love his gait, permanently different than it used to be. I love it that he sets goals and goes after them.

I love James Andrew Coleman, the best friend of my childhood and on into our adult lives. Happy Birthday.


  1. This is a beautiful birthday present. Thank you so much, I love you :)

  2. Bethie you have such a huge heart and zest for life! You are inspiring!


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