
Monday, February 3, 2014

Why I'm Happy

"Adam fell that men might be; and men are that they might have joy."

Over the last month, I noticed that whenever someone asked "How are you? How are you doing? How is your life? How is nursing school?" I answered like this:

"I am so tired."

Two weeks ago, I realized something else. I'm in college. I'm in nursing school. I work three night shifts a week. Sometimes I get home from work at 3 a.m. and have class at 9. I nanny on the weekends. I spend all my spare time with the most wonderful man ever. Likely, until I graduate in 2016, (and probably for the rest of my life because someday I will be a mommy and a nurse) I will be tired. I will never stop being tired. Thats what happens when you are working and in school and you snatch sleep in 4 and 5 hour increments. 

I decided that I don't want to answer with those words anymore. I'm tired. There, I said it. That is how I am going to feel for a while. But I'm done saying it. I'm done leading with that phrase. 

Because besides tired, I am also

rocking my nursing classes
learning to like my job (still miss you, Infant Unit)
taking a cycling class and enjoying myself
spending time with my scriptures
and mostly, I am just deliriously happy all the time.

Yesterday during Sacrament Meeting I was thinking about the Atonement. And how the Atonement can help me choose happy even when I feel so tired. I realized that Jesus Christ already felt the tired. He already did it. Someone has already felt all of Bethany's weariness, so I don't need to linger on it. He did. So I can move on and just be happy. 

Another scripture (because I love those guys): Doctrine and Covenants 64:33 "wherefore, be not weary in well doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." 

Its not like I'm "spending my strength for naught" (reference). I am busy with much well doing. I am laying foundations of excellent nursing practice, a strong body, bright testimony, and happy relationships. And I believe that a small thing like changing my response when someone asks "how are you?" will bring about great results. Possibly even more energy. But I am choosing happy, because I don't have enough time to be anything else. 


  1. You and your boyfriend are absolutely adorable together. And I love that you're so happy right now. Thank you for teaching me this lesson. I am very happy, too, now that I put my life in your perspective.

  2. we miss you too! Thanks for being an example of Choosing happiness!

  3. Ok, I so needed to hear (read?) this right now. Definitely feeling the same way--thank you for writing it down for me! Also, for inspiring me. You are the greatest.


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