
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Sometimes your car starts billowing smoke while you are on your way to pick up the love of your life. So then you just park your car on the side of the road and cry while he holds you and quietly hums "Come, Come Ye Saints" because he knows it is one of your power hymns. But then you just cry harder.

So then, sometimes you get brave enough to turn the car back on and drive it to a mechanic, which means fiancé just got relocated much farther away which demolished the purpose of you picking him up in the first place. But he smiles and hugs you and then pulls out a quarter. "Do you want Mike-n-Ike's or Skittles? You want Mike-n-Ike's, huh." And then you say "How did you know?" And he says, "I'm marrying you. I know." And then the Mike-n-Ike's come out with 5 yellows and 4 of the other colors, and he gives you all the colorful ones and eats the yellow himself, because he's selfless.

And then the mechanic says "We have to keep your car overnight" and fiancé remembers to get the parking pass out of my car so that it can live in his car so that I can drive it to work and home again at 3 a.m.

And then he holds your hand on the long, long walk home.

And sometimes, you try to make your favorite childhood dinner for your fiancé, and it doesn't turn out quite right. But he eats it and says he loves it and goes back for seconds.

And sometimes, you almost scored three different apartments in the same weekend, but they all slipped through your fingers.

And then sometimes your sad, dementia-ridden patient sings that same hymn with you while you are getting her ready for the day, because somewhere deep inside herself, she still remembers.

So even when your car breaks down and you're sleep deprived and the homework never ends and the dinner didn't work and you have no plan for where you are going to live once fiancé changes to husband and best friend for infinity, all is still well.

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