
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Becoming Sister Lambson, part 2

EFY 2013 was organized a little differently than it had been in the past.

The counselors were grouped into teams, and each team had a "route" or set of weeks that they would all work together. The idea was team unity, continuity, and less counselors working more weeks.

My team (Team Taco Forever!) Worked EFY Salt Lake City Special, Tacoma 1, Tacoma 2, Tacoma 3, Provo 8b, Ogden Stay at Home 2 and Ogden Stay at Home 3.  I picked up an extra week, Provo 2b the week of June 6th, which is where I met Benji. He wasn't on my team and we would never have interacted if I hadn't picked up that extra week.

But then I met him and he impressed me and the week ended and I knew we weren't going to work together again the rest of the summer and he would be surrounded by tons of fabulous and impressive female EFY counselors and I just couldn't let that happen. I had an irrational crush on this handsome guy based solely on the fact that he was nice to me and I knew he had a testimony, and I couldn't get him off my mind.

So I turned to Facebook.

So I went off to Tacoma and had an incredible time. Whenever my sweet and sassy EFY kids would ask me which counselor I liked I always told them "Oh, he's in Utah..."At one point I got the courage to text him and send him a Snapchat (I hate snap chat. The things we do for pursuit) and then I spent all my spare time analyzing everything he sent (because I'm a girl. I know.) I knew that we would both be in Provo for the 8th week of EFY, but in opposite sessions so we wouldn't really get to talk or see each other at all. 

And then a miracle: The EFY office emailed me and said they needed more counselors on 8a, and they were switching me over. 

Pretty sure the Hallelujah chorus was heard across the country. 


  1. fun stuff! (who doesn't love a love story!?)

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. You're freakin' adorable.

    You're prolly making me just as happy about this as you were… :)

  3. I adore all of this. But, the truly beautiful part is that it is REAL!!! I love seeing Heavenly Fathers' hand in our lives. I remember that 'hard' day and Daddy and i have both cried as we have realized the tender mercy of Benji being the ONE who was right there.


Miss BlogAlot:

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