
Thursday, May 30, 2013

To the Young Women

Especially for my sisters Chloe, Emily, Abigail, and my EFY girls past and future:

Oh how I love you. Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice doesn't end, you know. I love to be with you. I love how you make me laugh. I love how I see myself in you, and how you inspire me. I love your desire to be and do good.

I wish I could download everything inside me that I want to share with you and just upload it into your heart and mind, because I'm afraid that there is so much to say and so much to express that I might just word vomit all over you. Lucky for us both, the Holy Ghost will help me say what is most important, and will help you hear what is most important.

This Church is true. Many will try to tell you it isn't, that it is just a culture or a tradition or a nice way to live. No. This is the same Church that existed before the world began, that existed when the Earth was formed, that Jesus Christ Himself still leads today. It is Truth.

Living as a member of the Church does not mean bad things won't happen to you. It doesn't make you immune to heartbreak, sorrow, and pain. Sometimes people feel that if hurt happens while they are living the Gospel, then the Gospel isn't working anymore and they should try something else. My heart hurts for these people. Yes, heartbreak happens, even to good people who are choosing the right. But the promise is that for those who follow Him, the hurt can be healed, the losses made up, and we can eventually live an Eternity without sorrow.

Please try and remember that You, your Divine You, are part of something so much more than this world. You are so much more than what you wear, what you look like, what teams you are a part of, what college you attend, who asks you out, how much money you have, or even what others think of you. This life will end, but You will not. Practice perfecting the things that You can keep forever, such as kindness, compassion, faith, meekness, and charity. Those things will not fade away, but will grow brighter and lovelier with time.

You are so loved. Do you realize that you are known, perfectly known and understood, by Jesus Christ? He knows you! He knows you better than any friend or even your parents know you. He suffered your pain, your sorrow, your heartbreak, so that He could know you, He could advocate for you, so that you will never be alone. You cannot do anything that will cause Him to stop loving or give up on you. How honored I am to know someone that my Savior loves so much.

Do not forget how loved you are. Reading your scriptures and saying your prayers every day will help you remember. You are Royal. You are Divine.

I love you,

Sunday, May 19, 2013


-Trials don't have to define you. Let them refine you.

-Expect less from those who will disappoint you.

-This life is literally such a small moment. Don't let the things of mortality take the focus away from your immortality.

-When you've read a scripture, ask yourself the "So, what?"question. So, what does this doctrine and truth mean for me? What do I need to change?

-Be happy. God intends for us to be happy. Choose it.

-You are in control of your thoughts. Don't let them control you.

-Patience breeds happiness.

-Remember, always remember, whose you are. This is so vital! If you can tap into your eternal identity everyday, it will dramatically change how you feel about yourself and how you interact with others.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Why Again?

So....Why do I want this job again?

Oh yeah. Because of Diane and how she loved me even though I glared at her the first time she came to give Andrew home healthcare.

And because of Britt. Because she made us feel human.

And because of Andi. Because she was patient, honest, and hopeful. 

And because of Michelle, Tammy, Tania, Coleen, Rachelle, Ruth, LeRoyne, Kristen, Alicia, Lana, JoyAnne, Sami, and SO many others that I work with who inspire me and teach me and show me what kind of nurse I want to be. 

Nursing takes guts. It takes a perfect balance of guarding and giving your heart. You have to be a fabulous actor and also sincere and honest. You have to have control over yourself physically and emotionally. You have to be wise; you have to be smart. You have to be confident and resilient. You have to be professional and personal. 

And in my case, you have to want it. Want it and fight for it again and again and again. One of these days, (hopefully!) the waiting and wanting will be over!

Monday, May 13, 2013

I forgot to put a title.


Can you get any happier than I feel these days? Because seriously, it is unreal.

I only got 4.5 hours of sleep last night, and then worked a 12 hour shift, and it was CRAZY TOWN on Infant Unit, and I still feel so happy inside!

I think a big part of it is this. I have had it on my mind since April. I know it is true doctrine. And I am living it.

Another part of it is this:

YOU GUYS. I apologize in advance for what I'm sure will become a very annoying part of your lives: but I am so beyond thrilled happy joyous crawlingoutofmyskin EXCITED. God is SO smart. I had so many plans for myself this summer, and I'm not doing any of them. Instead I'm doing something that fills my whole heart with sunshine whenever I think about it.
     And FURTHERMORE. The hoops He has jumped through for me so that I can leave my job for 7 weeks and be with the youth, it passes all my understanding. I was driving home from work today in the glorious evening light, and all the things He has done and brought to pass so that I could go to EFY for the entire time just came to my mind as a list of miracles.
     Now, the biggest problem is that its like Christmas times a trillion. I only slept for 4.5 hours last night because I was making a packing list of everything I didn't want to forget to take, and all the stories I wanted to share with my girls, and the kind of counselor I want to be, and the kind of example I want to set, and it went round and round and round and kept me awake. And I still have a month before it starts.
Anyway. I challenge you to take a step back and notice what miracles He is working in your life. I had overlooked several large ones until today, and I am humbled and grateful for them. He truly knows you and your heart and your desires, because He made you. You are His. You can trust Him. You are on His 'plan A' for you.

And also, I love you. I love everyone right now.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Noun: a point of entry or beginning.

In physiology, the threshold is something your nerve cells must reach before you are able to do anything. A balance between sodium and potassium molecules create the threshold, known as an Action Potential. As soon as the threshold is crossed, electricity flows along the nerve cells, connecting impulses and causing movement and action.

My action potential is poised and ready. I have a feeling that this summer is a threshold leading to something, some huge part of my Becoming.

I'm ready.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Re-Instating Mother's Day

It seems to be becoming popular to put down Mother's Day and surround it with negativity and sarcasm.

People say it is a day when everyone makes their mom sound like a perfect, immortal being who never says an unkind word and never makes a parenting mistake.

Personally, I think that if that is what happens, then great.

Mothers are not perfect. They are human. They make mistakes. Sometimes they miss the ballet recital. Sometimes they accidentally leave their car-seat ridden child left in the grass at the gym and drive off, because they were distracted with loading the other children into the car. Sometimes they burn dinner. Sometimes they don't get the house in order the way they want. Sometimes getting everyone physically to Church is all they can do, nevermind having everyone wearing matching clothes with hair ribbons and shined shoes. Sometimes they don't have a planned Family Home Evening. Sometimes they have to punish. Sometimes they feel punished themselves.

Actually, the above is probably more the norm, than the exception.

Therefore, I submit Mother's Day is more necessary than ever. Why not take a day to look at mothers, especially your own, through rose-colored glasses? Why not take a day to focus on, and maybe exaggerate, all of her best qualities and the times when everything was peachy-perfect? What is so wrong with discussing Mothers with reverence, awe, and gratitude? And for all the mothers that have received thousands of gifts comprised of mismatched beaded necklaces, wrinkled sheets of paper with stick figure drawings, popsicle sticks dripping with glitter glue, and dandelion bouquets, I think that receiving a small token from the Ward is very appreciated, even if it is a wilted flower that needs planting or a simple candy bar with a ribbon tied around.

I love my mother. I honor and revere her. I hope to be like her. She has read me stories, given advice, listened to me cry, driven me to hundreds of lessons, sacrificed, prayed for, and loved me. I love that there is a day set apart to focus on what she has done to help make this world a better place, and that is raising the six of us to the very best of her ability.

Happy Mother's Day to every imperfect, beloved mother.

Miss BlogAlot:

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