
Friday, July 22, 2011

True Love

I get to see true love, truer than any Hollywood movie and deeper than Stephenie Meyer could ever create.

There is a woman who lives in the facility where I work. She has MS. She cannot feed herself, dress herself, put her own chapstick on or change the TV channel. She cannot even control her own power chair. Yet, she is one of the happiest, most pleasant residents that lives there. She inspires me.

And then there is Ron*, her husband. Ron is in perfect health. He works for BYU and spends every Friday working in the Draper Temple. He comes every single night, without fail, to see his wife. He walks in with a big smile on his face, and when he sees me he says "There is The Bethany! Good to see you." He picks up her dinner tray and a clothing protector (the adult term for 'bib') and goes to feed her dinner. Then he wheels her power chair outside for a walk, and later puts her in a nightgown and calls me in to help get her in bed.
Every night, I watch him walk out of the building alone, leaving his sweetheart and the love of his life behind for me to watch over. It never fails to move me, this great love he has for his wife and the complete patience and happiness he cares for her with.
When I'm finished helping tuck her in to bed and I'm removing my gloves, he always stops me by quietly saying "Bethany?" I look up as he looks straight into my eyes and says "Thanks for your kindness."
No, thank you.

*name has been changed

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