
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

You Know You're in Love When....

You know you're in love when you try to buy a sandwich from the vending machine, and it gets caught by a millimeter of wrapper, and doesn't fall to the bottom. So you throw your entire body against the side of the machine to make it fall. So it falls, but by then the trap door has locked so people can't reach up in there, so your sandwich is still trapped. So you buy another vending product to help open the door, but then the sandwich and the string cheese get smashed between the trap door and the side of the machine and you can't reach them. So then you sit down and transfer funds from your bank account to your student account so that you can purchase another vending product, thus releasing the growing dinner inside the vending machine. And the whole time this is happening, you keep taking pictures so that you can describe the entire scenario in detail to Benji, because you know he will think its funny.

You know you're in love when you go grocery shopping and buy food that the other person likes.

You know you're in love when you feel the need to use FaceTime if you're both driving separate cars.

You know you're in love when you contemplate waking up thirty minutes earlier so that you can scrape the ice off the other person's car.

You know you're in love when you don't even bother to change out of your sweaty exercise clothes because you'd rather get up the stairs to be waiting outside Benji's classroom when the bell rings.

You know you're in love when you read something awesome in the Book of Mormon and you just have to tell him about it.

You know you're in love when you pray and your prayers are less about you and more about the other person's success and happiness.

You know you're in love when your heart is so happy you have to let it spill out on a sappy blog post.

1 comment:

  1. OH my heck. This couldn't be more adorable. I LOVE how in love you are and I'm so happy that you are happy. Also, the ad beneath this is "snack and soda machines." haha! So relevant. And SUCH a funny story.


Miss BlogAlot:

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