
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Becoming Sister Lambson, Part 6

The trip turned out to be the most fun vacation I have ever taken. Read more about it here.

However, it was also fraught with the most emotional turmoil.

At this point, I still didn't know Benji very well. I didn't know that he's practically the most friendly, kind, loving person on the planet.

I didn't know that if he spent 10 minutes taking to me, and then turned around and started teasing another girl, it really didn't mean anything.

I also didn't know that he was having his own internal debate about what to do with the information I had given him three weeks before, but he had just put it aside to enjoy the trip.

All I knew was that my thoughts went something like this: "Alright. I am NOT going to like him anymore. Not going to do it. Aaaaaaaaaa but he has this quality and this quality and I just saw him go out of his way to help so and so....doesn't matter, I am OVER this. I am not going to try and sit by him on this ride OH lookee there, a spot right next to him, I mean I guess SOMEONE has to sit by him so I will....he's splashing me. What does it mean when someone is splashing you? Well I'm going to splash him right back he can't get away with that and NO THIS IS NOT FLIRTING, this is EQUALITY."

You get the idea.

At the end of Disneyland, our little group of 5 decided to extend the trip and attend the Newport Beach Temple. Afterwards, we crossed the border into Mexico for a few hours (which was my first time really crossing the border like that. Surreal.) After reentering the States, Brianna begged and begged to go see the San Diego Temple. We went on the premise that we would just look at it, because we didn't have time to go inside. But once we were there, Brianna begged to go inside, and said "We can do Sealings! It doesn't take as long as an endowment session."(Information about all of that here)

So we did Sealings. There were three women and two men, and after an hour and a half, every boy/girl combination had worked together except for Benji and I. I decided I was fine with that, because it was almost more than I could take at this point. And then the Sealer said,

"Can we have Brother Lambson and Sister Coleman to the altar?"

In the beautiful San Diego Temple, with the sun going down outside the prism windows and both of us dressed in white, we kneeled together across the altar to perform sacred Sealing ordinances in behalf of those who have passed on and cannot perform them for themselves.

I didn't know that Benji likes to look directly at the person he's working with to help him focus. I, on the other hand, spent an awful lot of time looking the other direction, and trying to control my thoughts, which were saying "Do not read too much into this. This is not a sign. This is just coincidence." 

But it still felt very right for us to be there.


  1. part 7 better come soon. dying here.

  2. I love hearing the thoughts as they run through your mind. And... yes. It was right for you to be there. :)

  3. Hi Bethie! I'm Benji's cousin and heard from another cousin about your blog. I love it!! I totally remember all these apprehensions and the gravity of it all while dating. Marriage is wonderful!! You are marrying la creme de la creme. I look forward to meeting you sometime in the future! -Benji's cousin Val.

  4. loving these posts. how many will you post until the happy day?
    After that what will your chain be besides "Becoming Sister Lambson?"
    I guess ill just have to be patient:) - ps, nice note Valery!


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