
Monday, February 25, 2013

A Non-Wedding Post

I went to a wedding this weekend.

Aesthetically, it was stunning. Perfect, even. The hair, the dress, the flowers, the colors, the decorations, all absolutely gorgeous.

I was lucky enough to also be able to go to the Temple Sealing. Its been two days, and I'm still thinking about it. It was stunning, perfect, beautiful, whole, and peaceful. It was joy. It was everything you could ever hope or wish for in your wedding, and it was the part of the day without colors, themes, table settings, flowers, or pictures.

The first wedding I can remember attending was my cousin Christiana. I was five years old. The reception was held in her parents backyard in the summertime. It was so beautiful, with sunshine and rosebushes climbing up the trellises.

Several years later, when I had grown up quite a bit, I was with Christiana at a family reunion. I mentioned to her that I always remembered her wedding and how beautiful it was. She cocked her head and said something to me that I was thinking of this weekend while I watched my dear friend be sealed:

"You know, the most beautiful part was in the Temple."

This post isn't really about weddings. It's about beauty and goodness and the best things in this life. It's about the grace that we are given from Heavenly Father every day. It's about focusing.

I hope that I can live my life better, after this reminder, than I was living before. I hope that I'm not living for the colors and the flowers and the things in life that are not eternal, but instead for the joy and the peace and the love, the things that are found in caring more about others than about ourselves.


  1. You are caring of others (firsthand experience here) and you do have an eternal perspective that I admire so much. So cool that you got to go to the sealing. I love this post. Hope you're feeling better too!

  2. Girl, I love this. Whenever I reflect back to my sealing, I tear up. Because it is the most beautiful, most sacred thing I think I will ever experience.

  3. I love this. You nailed it right on the head. The temple experience is the part I will hold most dear. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to be married in the temple!

    Side note: do you remember that one time we all met for breakfast and you forgot to wear a certain item...yeah almost walked out of my apt. yesterday doing the same thing and I laughed to myself thinking of you! Sweet memories!


Miss BlogAlot:

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