
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Prom: A note to the lovely ladies

Update 2/21/2014: To all the young women I have had the privilege to know,
I see you. I see you when you are modest and I rejoice inside. When you are modest you are outwardly stating I KNOW WHO I AM. I know that I am a Daughter of God. I know that I am blessed when I am obedient. I know that my body is a precious gift and I will treat it with respect. I know that the gentlemen I interact with are Sons of God and I will dress modestly to respect them, as well. I know that this life is the time to prepare to meet God, and I want to live with no regrets.

I see you when you are immodest and I feel so confused. I KNOW that you know better, because I have sat down with you and talked about it. You have answered the questions correctly about why modesty is SUCH a big deal. Please, sit down and think about it. Think about your goals and your hopes and dreams, and think about how modesty and obedience can impact that. Just think.

And also, I love you.

Hey girl.

So glad you got asked to Prom! So exciting. If you're a senior, this is your last one. If you're younger, this may be your first. I just wanted to share a few thoughts from the other side.

Please remember that there will be photos taken. Many, many photos. Those photos will more than likely last forever, especially with this thing called the internet that we all depend on. I want you to pause for a second and look 20 years into the future, when your own daughter will look at those photos. You won't be able to change them. The example will have been set. Are you going to regret being immodest? Are you going to compromise your integrity and your standards,  for a dance? I promise you, you will regret it someday.

I can also promise you, that you will never regret dressing modestly and treating yourself with respect. You will never look back on those pictures and think "Man. Wish I would've worn an immodest dress." That's never going to happen. You will always be grateful for following the Prophet.

When I was a junior, I went to a formal dance and we had dinner at a nice restaurant. I went into the bathroom and found myself face to face with Sister Newbold, a former seminary teacher. She grinned and hugged me and told me I looked beautiful. How embarrassing it could have been if I had been dressed immodestly!

One of the greatest compliments a man has ever given me was this: "I'm so thankful that I never have to worry about you being modest. I know that you always will be." Be that girl.

Also: have fun! Don't worry about how you look. Dress up and then have fun. It's one night in your life, and there are better ones ahead, so don't stress.

I think you're beautiful. I think you're priceless. Please don't be the girl with one hand on her standards and the other hand on the world. Be temple worthy at all times, in all things, and in all places.


And if that wasn't clear enough, here you go!

1 comment:

  1. This is so lovely. I am so grateful I was modest in these pictures.


Miss BlogAlot:

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