
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Just Another Day In Paradise

My mom had a bunch of different appointments today, so I got to spend the day with my Nate. I gave him an option: colorful cupcakes or colorful pancakes. After telling him No, we can't do both, he picked the cupcakes.

Red velvet, which Nate quickly relabeled "blood"

 It's supposed to kind of be Pac-man

They look like the food from Hook. 

After the cupcakes, I made him eat scrambled eggs. (you know, protein.) Then my mom called and asked if we would go to Emily's school and get forms that need to be taken to Chloe's school which is Emily's future school so that Emily can register for classes. So. Went to Emily's school. Got said papers. Went to my former school which is Chloe's present school which is Emily's future school and negotiated world peace took care of getting her registered.
    While putting Nate in the car, I reminded him that he is my favorite boy. His reply: "I know. I remember from the last time you told me." <3

Upon getting home we suited up and ran outside to run in the sprinklers. I.E., we suited up and I watched Nate run through the sprinklers. While lounging on the towel and enjoying the sunshine with my eyes closed, I heard Nate shout from across the yard "I found a snail!"
"Gross!" I said back
Then, right in my ear, the little boy said "See?"
And let me tell you, if there is a world record speed for getting up and off that towel, I now hold it.

We also found a ladybug whom Nate affectionately named Chutbirt, and then reconsidered and named Lazy Chutbirt, the Ladybug. We waved goodbye to Lazy Chutbirt while she flew away.

By this time, the girls needed to be picked up from school and we decided clothes on top of our bathing suits were unnecessary while riding in the car. I almost sort of wish I would've been pulled over just so I could have experienced that awkward situation.

Chloe then needed to have dinner brought to her at the Region Choir competition, so I took her dinner and then sat. there. for. two. hours. listening. to. country. music. while. waiting. for. her. to. come. flying. out. The original plan was wait 20 minutes for her to come flying out and then madly drive her to Ballroom practice (busy girl, yes??) but.....region choir schedule got behind. Also, prayer is real, because when I was about ready to melt into a blubbering puddle of impatience I prayed and asked that she would please come out now. Voila, she came running out. Should've prayed an hour and 40 minutes earlier.

Now I've just returned back from a pitiful, panting, pathetic run. Needless to say I need to build up my stamina. Real bad.

Also, for those interested, work gets better every shift. My biggest complaint is that I am so in love with all these babies, and they aren't mine. I worry about them when they go home. Who is going to weigh and analyze the color and consistency of their poop???

I am seriously so blessed. (reference, for kicks and major giggles: Click me!)

AND FINALLY, because this is just awesome:


  1. I love, love, LOVE this. I smiled the entire time.

  2. Thanks for SAVING us all yesterday. You are a Rockstar!!!! and my green eyed girl.


Miss BlogAlot:

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