
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Re-Instating Mother's Day

It seems to be becoming popular to put down Mother's Day and surround it with negativity and sarcasm.

People say it is a day when everyone makes their mom sound like a perfect, immortal being who never says an unkind word and never makes a parenting mistake.

Personally, I think that if that is what happens, then great.

Mothers are not perfect. They are human. They make mistakes. Sometimes they miss the ballet recital. Sometimes they accidentally leave their car-seat ridden child left in the grass at the gym and drive off, because they were distracted with loading the other children into the car. Sometimes they burn dinner. Sometimes they don't get the house in order the way they want. Sometimes getting everyone physically to Church is all they can do, nevermind having everyone wearing matching clothes with hair ribbons and shined shoes. Sometimes they don't have a planned Family Home Evening. Sometimes they have to punish. Sometimes they feel punished themselves.

Actually, the above is probably more the norm, than the exception.

Therefore, I submit Mother's Day is more necessary than ever. Why not take a day to look at mothers, especially your own, through rose-colored glasses? Why not take a day to focus on, and maybe exaggerate, all of her best qualities and the times when everything was peachy-perfect? What is so wrong with discussing Mothers with reverence, awe, and gratitude? And for all the mothers that have received thousands of gifts comprised of mismatched beaded necklaces, wrinkled sheets of paper with stick figure drawings, popsicle sticks dripping with glitter glue, and dandelion bouquets, I think that receiving a small token from the Ward is very appreciated, even if it is a wilted flower that needs planting or a simple candy bar with a ribbon tied around.

I love my mother. I honor and revere her. I hope to be like her. She has read me stories, given advice, listened to me cry, driven me to hundreds of lessons, sacrificed, prayed for, and loved me. I love that there is a day set apart to focus on what she has done to help make this world a better place, and that is raising the six of us to the very best of her ability.

Happy Mother's Day to every imperfect, beloved mother.

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Miss BlogAlot:

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