
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Cried At Work

For those of you unfamiliar with BYU, there is a devotional held in the Marriott Center (Basketball stadium) every Tuesday at 11 a.m. Because I work 9-1 and the time it would take to run up to the Marriott Center and then back down to the Law School is unrealistic, we watch the live devotional stream from BYUtv.
Today, President Monson came to speak. HUGE deal. We normally get one of our own professors. He gave a beautiful talk about being a light and an example, but the last story he told was what got to me. I tried to find the actual thing word for word, but no one has posted it yet so here is my recollection:

When President Monson was a mission president in East Canada, he had a young missionary in his care who had fallen sick and had to have a serious operation. The missionary's parents were called and flew out for the operation, because the doctors said his chances of living through it were slim.
The young missionary was staying in a hospital ward with six beds, his bed being number 3. The morning of the operation, the nurse came in with a tray of breakfast and approached the first bed. "No thank you," said the patient "I'm not feeling very hungry this morning."
She went to the next bed, got the same answer. After receiving five answers of "not hungry" she threw up her hands in frustration and asked the patients how they were supposed to get better if they wouldn't eat.
The patient in bed number six pointed at the empty bed number 3. "This Elder is our friend. He has laid in that bed teaching us the principles of his gospel, of prayer and repentance and forgiveness and fasting. We are fasting for our friend today."
The operation was extremely successful, and the young missionary was able to return to his service.

I testify that fasting works. I have seen it heal and protect and comfort and strengthen. I testify of Jesus Christ, who is the Light I strive to emulate and stand as a witness of every day. I know He lives, I know it better than I know that the sun will rise in the morning. And I testify of these things in His sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Miss BlogAlot:

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