
Monday, October 14, 2013

I Like My Birthdays Every One!

So my birthday is a week from today.

I will be feelin' 22.

An absurd age, if you ask me. I don't feel 22. I told my mom last week that I think I feel 12. Or maybe 92. Sometimes I feel very old indeed.

Anywho. I have an idea for this 22nd birthday. Something I want you all to do for me.

I would like to compile a list of service. That's right, I want everyone to do some small act of service between now and October 21st, and I wanna know about it. I want to post a great big long list of service. It makes my heart feel happy just thinking about it.

It can be service in any variety, including (and encouraged) sharing the Gospel with someone, even in a very small way.

Or perhaps you picked something up off the floor without grumbling, or did a chore that wasn't yours, or scraped the ice off of someone's car, or held the door open, or smiled at the cashier at Walmart (because they are nearly always grumpy), or stuck a nice note on the wall outside of the testing center, or got out of the shower 5 minutes early so your roommate could have hot water, or made her/his bed, or saved a plate of dinner for someone who was stressed, or whatever. It doesn't have to be big. I just want you to think outward for this week, for me.

And then tell me about it. Post a comment here, or email me (bethany . coleman 21@ gmail . com) or Facebook message me, or post it on my Facebook wall on my birthday as is customary in these parts, or send a telegram, or whatever.

Maybe we will all have the most love-filled week ever.


  1. I've got one...It's happening today. I'm going to my grandpa's house after work (he just had back surgery) and I'm going to pick the flowers out of his flower bed, cut the bulbs off, lay the bulbs to dry and then pack the bulbs away so that in the spring...we can plant them and he will have nice fresh flowers again. I'm really looking forward to the time spent with my grandpa. He is heading south for the Winter (in other words...the next 7 months!) and I'll only get to see him once, maybe twice in those 7 months. So, I'm grateful for the chance I'll have to just be with him. He and I. I love him.

  2. Happy Birthday cousin of my friend.

    Today we hosted a family for dinner since they were returning from a couple months absence to an empty house. What a treat to come home to a full meal and roll into your own bed... without cleaning up or shopping!
    I thought of doing it for her cause... i knew, instantly when she said she was on her way home, that she'd do the exact same for me. so that's how that was thought of.

  3. Happy Birthday cousin!

    So all last week I was looking everyday for just simple ways to serve somebody. The first thing that I was able to find was a neighbor who posted on our Ward facebook page. He needed help with his bike and I've been learning a lot about how to fix my own (the hard way normally) so I jumped on the opportunity. I also really don't know the guy that I helped either but it turned out to be a good way to get to know him. I was at his house for about an hour and all that I ended up figuring out was that he would have to take it to a shop. I knew what was wrong and how to fix it but we didn't have the tools or parts to fix his bike. We had a good time getting to know each other while freezing and getting nowhere with his bike. But from the moment that I commented on fb telling him that I'd help him, the opportunities to serve just came flooding in. Thanks for the great birthday wish! You're awesome!


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