
Friday, September 30, 2011

Divine Comedy

Somehow, I seem to know all of the most incredible women on the planet. I have the best, dearest, kindest, most selfless, most spiritual and most loyal friends you could find. They are the future mothers of the bravest generation to be born and they are the future righteous leaders of the Church. They are incredible.

One of these amazing women is one of the best things that has happened to me since coming to BYU. I'm lucky enough to get to spend an hour with her every week. I love and look forward to our conversations. There are very few people I get to talk about the things I talk to her about.

Today's topic: Divine Comedy.

No, not THAT Divine Comedy! :)

We were discussing our Father in Heaven, and how we love the moments when we can feel Him laughing with us (and sometimes at the silly things we do). I imagine its something like when my Nate asks me if he can drive the car or smear peanut butter on the windows or have all the candy in the grocery store line. I smile and laugh and think about how adorable he is and say "No buddy." Sometimes I ask Heavenly Father to let me have something that I really know I can't have, or I ask Him to get me out of a sticky situation that I knew not to get myself into, and He smiles and laughs at me and says "No, Bethany. But I love you."

And sometimes, something literally hilarious will happen, like when I trip and no one is around to see it or when I sing like a lunatic alone in the car, I'm certain He's chuckling at me. He is my father in every sense of the word.

And I can't wait to hear the new things He wants to teach me in Conference this weekend.

Thank you to my beautiful friend for being who you are.

1 comment:

  1. I love you SO MUCH. Thank you for being who you are my lovely friend :)


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