and I hung it up above my bed in Provo. It is a happy thing.
AND THEN. I have wanted a pillow pet for quite some time. Yes, I know how old I am. I still wanted one. My awesome friend brought me THIS:

He is the softest most beautiful thing. He sat in the passenger seat the entire ride home from Provo today. Speaking of rides, I am so thankful for THIS:

not mine, but he is in my care for right now to help me get to and from Abby. I named him Jiffy, after one of Chloe's friends whom I think is hysterical. (She won't inform her friend of this, because she thinks its weird...I would be honored to know if one of my friend's sister named her car after me. Just sayin')
Anyway. Last night at about 11 p.m. Emilie, Jiffy and I went to the store because I was in desperate need of THIS:
OH darn. The image wouldn't upload. It was supposed to be a picture of cold medicine because I hab a terrible cohd. *insert sneeze X 3*
Moving on. I'm so happy because I got a letter from THIS BOY:

He's a good friend of mine from high school. We have some waaaaaay funny stories. And our letters are equally hilarious. AND his little brother is taking my little sister to the Alta Homecoming dance tomorrow. And I'm doing her hair. And she's going to look so beautiful. And I'm way excited to send him pictures of the three of us.
AND. I kissed THIS BOY today:
He got into Jiffy with me and Chloe when I drove her to the Homecoming game. On the ride he informed me "I painted a dog today." To which I replied "that's cool!!" And then he said "wait....did you think I meant a real dog?"
So. My life is pretty good right now.
And BYU is going to win tomorrow.
And the rain is pretty.
And I love the gospel.
And I don't like colds.
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