
Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I've been thinking a lot about when I will "get there."
When I will get to the blissful happy all the time just-got-married and my life is perfect place.
Or the sticky countertops, sticky faces, but rolling on the carpet and giggling happy place.
Or the reporting for my RN shift place.
Or the making a casserole for the lady down the street place.
Or the covered in flour, messy bun, kiss my husband as he comes in from work place.
But the truth is, those things are not a place. They're not a destination.
Because right now I'm in the working and saving for college place.
And the figuring out where I'm going to be tomorrow, what I will be doing, who I will be serving place.
And the preparing a lesson for my primary kids place.
And the throwing Bridal and baby showers for my friends place.
And the working all night and sleeping all day place.
They are all just living. And if I keep waiting to get there, I will miss the living, right?
And also, I have always thought I had to do these great things.
Like going to Peru and saving street children.
Or Africa for the sick and starving.
Or walk in Israel where the Savior did.
And those are all truly wonderful things.
But not requirements.
There is much good to be done in this place.

1 comment:

  1. Its sort of crazy how similar we are in some ways. And how eloquently you put my crazy jumbled thoughts into words. You are crazy talented like that.


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