
Sunday, October 28, 2012

I've Come a Long Way!

So. I didn't get in to nursing school. Again.

I really, REALLY, believed I would get in this time. Hardly anyone doesn't get in their second try.

    But there is beauty in every loss. One of the major beauties of this loss is how different it is from last year when I got the rejection email. Last year, I cried and cried and felt worthless as a person, hopeless, desperate, and confused.

     This year, I cried. I cried because it meant I still have to keep fighting for this dream of mine, and now the path is unclear and there is much more work to do. But I didn't base my self worth on being accepted to nursing school. I have hope. How exciting to be able to look at so many other potential programs and meet new people and have new adventures. How wonderful that I got to go to BYU and meet friends who have changed my life and will be my friends forever, but now I get to move on and keep being a mover and a shaker in other schools, with other people, and make more life changing friends. Seriously, it's unreal how blessed I am.

     I'm so thankful for my Savior. I've been praying for months that 1. I would get in, but 2. if I didn't, help me to have hope and courage and trust and make a new plan. And He has helped me do just that. I can honestly say I did the very best I could do, and obviously BYU Nursing School was not in the plan for me. That is okay!! I truly feel okay. Nervous, but blessed.

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Miss BlogAlot:

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