
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust...

I stalk people.

Not in a bad way, in a really good you-are-inspiring-so-cute-love-your-life-happy-for-your-happy kind of way.

Nigh about a year ago I stumbled across a blog that I fell in love with.

Yes, I went back and read every post from 2008. Because the girl reminded me of me. And she made me laugh. And her love story was so sweet. And I just liked her blog, okay?

As of about 20 minutes ago, she made her blog "open to invited readers only"

And I'm not an invited reader, because I've never met her in real life!

WHAT?! You mean you don't want random strangers reading about your life and your cute baby and the picture you posted of his cute little bum when you painted a pumpkin on it??

I can't really blame her....I mean....I'm probably the reason....but still.

Also I was talking to Bryan about this today. I'm going to get arrested. Because since I work at my awesome job and have an infatuation with babies, I just feel qualified, authorized, and entitled to all the babies. In the whole world. And I literally forget that its not socially acceptable to walk up to people and offer to hold their children for them. Like the guy who was up and down and up and down in church with his screaming baby. My muscles were tensed about to stand up before I realized what this would look like:

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm not a pedophile, so can I hold your baby??" 


  1. It's hard to express my feelings about this. I love it.

  2. Haha I love this about holding babies... you are so funny but I know what you mean... for some reason I think I can hold all babies :)

    1. Yeah! I just need to start wearing my badge at all times :)


Miss BlogAlot:

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