
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Out of Sorts

Oooh my life.

I was researching a professor on Rate my Professors (dot com) (which has changed my academic life, bytheway) and almost died laughing. The first rating said this "You will learn a lot about ducks but it is all part of the fun." I thought: Alright. I've fed ducks before. I can handle ducks. A few more ratings down made me laugh so hard Emilie thought I had lost my mind: "He pretty much talks about ducks all day." Whaaat?? Oh I hope he looks like a duck....or walks like one. I will hereon out refer to him as Professor Mallard. And he would like us students to attend Utah Bald Eagle Day as well as the Utah Snow Goose Festival. Prime.

HFAC: What the HFAC?? Who designed this building??? (correct answer: the same people who run tests on mice in mazes. Or terrorists.) Who puts a room on the outside of the building?? and out of numerical order???

On that Note: Who designed the Tanner Building?? Most beautiful building on campus. I can't handle it.

That awkward moment when there's a knock at the door and you yell "COOOOME IN!!!!!!!" and its a member of your bishopric....asking you to teach gospel doctrine on Sunday, last minute.

If a professor begins the class/semester by putting a list of chick flicks up on the know that I love him. And when he follows that list by letting us watch the original President Hinckley reading of the Proclamation to the World.....<3

Also, my adorable co-worker Malae who is super talented and super beautiful and I like her super a lot, has pointed out that I yell talk to myself while I work. Usually when I'm frustrated: "Ah!" "No!" "Why?!" "Stop! Stopstopstop!" "Go back!" "I hate this!" "Uuuuuugh!" And the more polite I talk on the phone, the more annoyed I am: "Hello, you've reached BYU Law Career Services, this is Bethany, how may I help your day become the best day you've ever had? *silent screams and gritted teeth*"

That was a very random assortment of information. That's basically how my life is right now. I feel a little like a paint ball that has exploded all over a painting. The painting was already complex and beautiful and inspiring, but now there is all this color all over everything that makes the image unclear, although parts of it peek through.

Also, to my moms: thanks for coming to see me tonight. I didn't know I needed you. Sorry I was so crabby.

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