
Sunday, March 25, 2012

This Post is for Mackenzie Peay.

I was notified by a lovely friend of mine that I have been slacking, as it were, in my blogging.

I deeply apologize, although I don't feel I owe this lady anything since she photoshopped a picture of me with Justin Bieber and posted said picture ALL over my building and the boys' building next to ours during Summer Term, 2010.

I am still recovering from that event.

So. Updates on my life.

I quit my job at the BYU Law School. Working there was a really good thing for me. I learned how to work and survive in a more formal business environment and how to cater to the needs of demanding superiors while still retaining my own self worth. I learned that I never want to go to Law school and that printers have personalities: no two printers are the same. You must be very gentle with them. Or they will punish you.

I learned to stop expecting perfection out of myself. There is only so much I can do. The rest is up to God and He is a very wise and loving Father.

I also took the past week off of work/classes/life for one class, Event Planning. Adobe (as in, Adobe Photoshop) hired the entire BYU Event Planning class to help with their international conference, known as Adobe Digital Marketing Summit. We basically took over the Salt Palace downtown and nine surrounding hotels for a week. I learned SO many things. I got a huge glimpse of life outside of Utah and the way people think and what they expect out of life. I learned that people in America often do have very selfish expectations, and that I do not want to be that kind of person. I want to serve and love and help. They want coffee. Now.

Yesterday I went to the Holi Festival of Colors. So much more fun than I ever imagined it would be. Tips:

  • Do not bring children. Crazies who do, I'm surprised you didn't die of anxiety. There were a kajillion people in that crowd, how did you hold on to small kids??
  • When they start throwing colors, look up. You only have about .67 seconds before the colors blend together into an orange cloud, but that .67 is so beautiful.
  • It is pretty much Utah Valley Woodstock. Just be prepared for that and go with friends. 
  • Order the colors online beforehand. The mob to get colors was also insane.
  • Bring plastic trash bags/old sheets/blankets to sit on during the ride home. Or clothes to change into.
  • Wear goggles maybe. And maybe a mask. The stuff is not harmful to health but it does taste gross, make it hard to breathe and if it gets in your eyes it hurts. (Another plug to not take kids)
  • Bring water
  • Put your camera/cell phone in a ziploc in your pocket. 

I start my job at Primary Children's tomorrow. I am SO excited. Chances are it will make me even more desperate to get in to nursing school. I'm excited to blog about all my new experiences. I'm so excited to love all the sweet little kids.

Three weeks left of the semester, folks. Let us all press on!

1 comment:

  1. Haha you forgot to mention that I did that cause you defaced my Bieber Poster while I was defenseless at home, dying with mono :)


Miss BlogAlot:

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