
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dear Cute Boys

Dear Cute Boy from the Creamery,

Thanks for helping me yesterday morning when I bought that ginormous sweet roll for a lady in the office's birthday. It was early and I was the only one in the store and you smiled really big and asked how my weekend went. Kudos. I may or may not have gone back to the creamery this morning to buy an apple or some yogurt and maybe spot your cute glasses again. Apparently Tuesday mornings are major stocking day at the Creamery because there were employees everywhere. *sigh* I'll just have to think of a reason to go to the Creamery tomorrow morning as well....

Dear Cute Boy Lost in the Law School,

I will help you find room 224 anyday.

Dear Cute Boy at Help Desk,

You smell good. Keep it up.

Dear Cute Boys everywhere,

Thanks for holding the door for me when you don't know me. Thanks for smiling big and nodding your heads like you do. Thanks for asking questions in class and not being too macho to admit you don't understand. Thanks for leaning over and whispering funny things to me to make class less boring and helping me stay awake. Thanks for leaning over the desk at work and being patient while I figure out the answer to your question and then saying "thank you". Thanks for being talented and sharing your talents like singing/playing musical instruments/wiggling one eyebrow. Thanks for not swearing and having integrity. Thanks for not being dumb like the not cute boys.


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Miss BlogAlot:

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