
Saturday, August 27, 2011


When I was getting ready to graduate high school, a financial issue occurred: BYU accidentally charged me twice for my first housing payment, and then told me it would be a month before they could send one of the payments back to my account. This wouldn't have been a huge issue except I owed the high school some fees and they wouldn't let me graduate until they were paid. I was distraught.
At this time, I was taking the CNA course through the technology college, giving me high school and college credit. I was very good friends with my CNA instructor, such good friends in fact that we would text each other sometimes. Well she and I were texting and she heard this dilemma I was in and said "What are you going to do??" I told her I would have to trust in the Lord and wait for Him to send me money in a fish.
If you haven't already heard, there is a story of the early Latter Day Saints who were trying to evacuate Nauvoo to escape the mobs but didn't have enough money to cross the Mississippi by ferry. With faith they prayed and asked for help to solve this problem, and then went fishing to catch their dinner. When gutting the catch, they found that the fish belly was full of coins, enough to pay the fare to cross the river.
It so happened that this CNA teacher was a member of the Fish teaching method, and so she had a stuffed toy fish that hung out in our classroom and we would periodically hide it from her because we thought we were soooo funny.
The next day I came to the last CNA class and this teacher slipped me the toy fish taped to envelope. Inside the envelope was the exact amount I needed to pay my fees and fix my accounts.
Heavenly Father sent me money in a fish like the early Saints!

My dad gave me a blessing later and told me that there are more fish waiting for me than I could ever imagine. Today, I got another fish. I have a dear, dear friend who has been very generous with me to aid in this time when Abby is recovering from her heart surgery. I will now be able to get to and from Abby and school quickly and dependably. I am so blessed.

To this beautiful, incredible friend: thank you so so much. You continue to answer prayers and be a miracle worker every day. Love you.

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